Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Boeing's Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) communication system with ultracapacitor technology


Maxwell Technologies Ultracapacitors – Applications

Case Study

Customer Requirements

The loss of a downed pilot is never an acceptable mission outcome. Even in the recent past, we have seen images on television of the agony of family and friends as they wondered as to the whereabouts of their loved ones in Southeast Asia, Bosnia and the Middle East. Often rescue missions experienced low recovery rates and exposed rescue forces to very high enemy threats. Boeing has addressed these issues with the introduction of its new and revolutionary Combat Survivor Evader Locator (CSEL) communication system. This "locator radio" is based on flexible, modular communication architecture that utilize multiple satellite links, a state-of-the-art military GPS Receiver and is fully integrated into the Global Command and Control System.

One of the key challenges in the design of the CSEL system was the requirement for backup power in the event the 21-day battery needs to be replaced during a mission. Boeing looked to Maxwell Technologies and its ultracapacitor technology. Ultracapacitors offer a small, reliable solution for the short-term power needs of the system during battery replacement, or in the case of battery failure.

Maxwell Solution

Maxwell's ultracapacitors are an excellent solution for this application - storing energy when not needed, and providing power to the CSEL radio while the soldier swaps out the battery. Battery life is always a concern in all hand held devices, but is especially crucial when loss of power can result in and interruption of vital data transmissions, and the loss of crucial mission information. Boeing needed something that would last the life of the product, and the high reliability and long life of ultracapacitors provide the longevity they needed, and are robust enough to withstand the harshest of conditions faced by a soldier in the field. Ultracapacitors are turning up in a wide variety of hand held devices ranging from digital cameras to children's toys. In the case of the CSEL, they are providing a critical function that may one day help to bring a soldier back home.

Customer Solution

Needed was the design and development of a device using ultracapacitor component to offer uninterrupted backup power for Critical Lifesaving Communication System (CSEL). The CSEL is an amazing device with an incredible amount of functionality and, surprisingly, it is contained in a very small package. One of the keys to the program's success was it's minimal size, and ultracapacitors contributed to the small form factor due do their compact, flat design.

Maxwell Technologies is proud to be a component in Boeing's state of the art radio locator. These systems are already being deployed to selected branches of the United States military and will soon be used worldwide.

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