Friday, September 22, 2006

Ultracapacitors & Entertainment

Application: Battery Operated Toys

Customer Requirements

Price is key in this industry. Toy companies will explore every option to reduce expenses and increase their overall margins. After price, the toy manufacture business requirements include product availability and performance.

Maxwell Solution

Maxwell Technologies PC5 and PC10 cells both have the performance and footprint characteristics to be applied in capacitor toys. The toy market has embraced the use of ultracapacitor technology. Toy manufactures can benefit by placing a permanent ultracapacitor on board in place of a battery. A clear advantage is the capacitor is much lighter which awards performance advantages. It can be re-charged hundreds of times by a battery pack.

Customer Benefits

Our small cells are a flat design that provides the designer with a new option for developing a toy application. The use of ultracapacitor technology also has more energy per gram than other solutions available on the market. This provides our toy designers with more run time.

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